Thursday, December 17, 2009
Lil bit of this...lil bit of that
Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
and i'd like to leave you with O Holy Night by Jennifer Hudson. It's such a beautiful song and she sang it with everything inside of her. Enjoy =-)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Michael Jackson- This Is my own words

I went with TLOML to see This Is It in Imax last night. Now Imax is not cheap. But I knew i needed to experience that film in the best visually captivating and top rate sound technology available. I was a little perturbed that the Metreon IMAX in San Francisco wasn't showing it, and i'll forgive them for it one day in the not so near future. But Bay St. was pretty good. It wasn't about the theater anyway. It was about MICHAEL JACKSON.
Anyone who read my post on June 25th knows how bad MJ's death shook me. I mean it literally broke me for a few days. Couldn't stop crying every time I thought about it. I've been playing his music constantly on my ipod and I cannot get enough. I've been submerged in Michael, and I never quite grasped the concept of him being gone. Until last night...
I sat in that theater knowing I was going to bawl like a baby as soon as MJ came on screen. Oddly enough, I didn't. I watched him. Scrutinized every move he made. Analyzed every note he hit. Waiting to see any hint of this frail, sickly, older man that many claimed him to be in his last days. I watched for any UN-Michael mistakes. Stuff that he just does not do. A flawed pop lock. An off key note. I found absolutely nothing. That man was not sick. He was rehearsing for what would have been the best tour ever performed on this earth. Even during the moments where you caould see he was vocally and physically holding back as to not exert his energy...he was still better than ANY youngin on the music scene today. No wonder why they all wanna be like Mike...
Michael Jackson awed me last night. He always had that power. Something about the way his spirit and heart electrifies a camera has always boggled my mind. Even when he is not performing, i'm captivated. But when he IS performing...the angels stand still. Last night, I finally realized that we no longer have this musical legend living among us. He is no longer tucked quietly away in his studio, plotting the biggest comeback since, well...his last one. He isn't smiling into any more cameras with his big bashful eyes. The music world has lost it's single most influential pulse that has given us the best pop music imaginable. And I am finally okay with that. I saw Michael in his element last night. On that stage, among people who respect and love him for being the genius man that he was, i saw him fulfilled. He came full circle, out of the horrid treatment from the press that he has gotten in his past. He rose above the child molestation charges that I 100% believe were full of shit from jump. (Did u know the first boy to accuse him of it in '93 came forward AFTER Michael's death to admit that him and his father were lying about it all?) Michael stepped into his deserving spotlight while rehearsing for This Is It and I think he died feeling invigorated, appreciated and motivated. And that is a good way to go.
Now yes, he had some problems. Drug dependency and relying on shady people in your life are signs of trouble. And perhaps if he had more positive energy around him, he would still be alive today. But I can't harp on that or I'll be out for blood (yes i would hem that Dr. up in a second if I had the chance) But I know that Michael is in Heaven right now, finally at peace with everything that has ever tormented him, and I know it's a good feeling.
Thank you, Michael, for sharing your final remarkable moments with your fans. We felt your presence throughout the film and we love you for it. You are still the best there ever was and ever will be.
At the end of the film, I cried. I let my tears flow, not out of hurt or sorrow. But because an era of musical perfection has come to an end, and my future children will never experience him LIVE. Ohh but that's okay, cuz they will know who Michael Jackson is, was and will forever be- The King of Pop.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Just something I needed to read
♫ I'll be alright and I'm gonna love again. My wounds will mend...I'm bruised but not broken.... and the pain will fade, I'll get back on my feet. It's not the end of heart is still open...bruised but not broken...♫ -Joss Stone-
Friday, September 25, 2009
Im surprised I still have any followers!
Everything still looks the same around here...but it feels different. smh. It has been wayyy too long since I've blogged.I feel like the days when i was blogging almost every day were so long ago. I miss it! *tears in eyes* CURSE my desire to be a college graduate! smh.
Y'all...i'm tellin you. I'm not complaining. But this shit rite here...Mills college?? Is no fuckin joke. School has never been hard for me. [except anything dealing with math.] And the actual work is not the problem, it's the amount! I feel like a slave!!! I know one ought not say that because our slave ancestors wouldn't appreciate it very much, but shit. That's how i feel and i'm stickin to it. Nite after nite of stayin up til 3 to finish a paper is not the bizness. I barely have enough time to wash my ass let alone BLOG about it! smh. So yeah. I have to say thank you to those who still do random blog-bys to check and see if i've posted anything. Im sorry for slackin and i'll try to do better but um.... please don't hold your breath on that.
What else, what else?
Oh i'm looking for a car. I have worn out my welcome on the bus / bart train and Icantdoitnomo. I need a car. asap. SO i have my little $ together and im ready to buy! I will mos definitely post pics and announce the name of the addition to our family as soon as i buy her =-)
I joined crackberry nation today. I got a Blackberry Curve. Im still feelin it out and I think im going through Sidekick withdrawals but i'm sure i'll get use to the bb eventually. It is a powerful lil thing. Does every damn thing under the sun [would be nice if it would so some of my HOMEWORK] so i can see why people are addicted to them. But there's just something about my sidekick slide...memories. *sigh* If i could combine the sidekick keyboard and interface with all of the BB apps and functionality...i'd have a G1 google phone!! Lol. And that's what i'm aspiring to buy in a few months. Ahh i'm never satisfied. *shrugs*
Ohhh i also got a new Ipod. The Ipod Touch and i ADORE it. Do you see a pattern of spending $$$ here?? lol. But yeah, I'm truly addicted to that thing. Love it. I think everyone should get one. If i could twinkle my nose and have one magically appear in your hands you would have as much joy as i do rite now. there anything else? I think i'm fairly caught up. How r u guys doing?? Damn I really miss being on here :-( I gotta hurry up and get that laptop....
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Happy Monday!!! & all that jazz =-)
What else, what else??
OH! I have a Hair Tales post to do sometime today hopefully as soon as I take pics of my hair. Other than that, i've been havin such a chil week, I dont have much more to run my mouth about! *gasp!*
Ehh. I'm sure all will be back to normal soon and i'll have lots of random chaos to dish out. Until then love bunnies!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
I'm a blessed woman
Anywho, if u don't follow me on Twitter [how dare u!!!? It's] you may not know that today is my last day as a full time employee at my current job. It's a good job. Good $. Decent atmosphere although this past month has made me want to throw a few people off the Golden Gate bridge. [no psycho] I was very blessed to have gotten the position 3 yrs ago with very little experience in the field. And now I feel continuous blessings for making my exit and moving on to bigger & better things. It will be a HUGE adjustment phase for me over the next few months as I have grown accustomed to having a little change in my pockets. But when I have a school like Mills College basically paying my way not gonna pass that up to stay at a 9 to 5 that will never ever pay me the kind of $$$ i know i can make with degrees under my belt.
God has opened all sorts of doors, windows, avenues and freeways for me and i've chosen to run full speed ahead, with his guidance, of course.
I feel so blessed to have this opportunity & even though i'm still a little nervous about things, i'm ready!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Im jus sayin.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday in a flash!
Ready, Set, GO!
* Cosmic Bowling tonite! Woooooooooooo! 11:30-1:30. Good music, great company, liquor and my wack ass bowling skills!! FUN TIMES ahead!
* TLOML has her 1st meeting tomorrow with the lesbian greeting card co. she's gonna be modeling for. I'm such a proud girlfriend =-)
* And then after that above-mentioned mtg, WE are having a date nite! Actually a date day. Movies, dinner, shopping, wutever else we can get ourselves into. And today was payday too...HELL YEAH!!
*Speaking of PAY DAY. Let me not get too excited about it cuz the funds are already spoken for. lol.
*Been watching True Blood like my life depends on it. "im here fa sookie" LOVE that show! Big thanks to Denae's family for keeping me well-fed and caught up with the show, cuz I dont have HBO.
* July is over? Really? *sigh* My favorite month (my bday month) has come and gone like Joe Turner. (google it u illiterate sons of... :) But August will prove to be quite the adventure seeing as how i'll be making that transition to PT employee FT student. *prayers,blessing & good vibes coming my way please!!!!*
*I really wanna relax my hair :( Lord be some soothing salve for my itchy scalp
* Elijah?? Hm?
*lol. TLOML gets the above flash.
*I miss Michael.
*Joe Jackson can kiss my big bubbly caramel ass.
*Janet can too =-) but she can enjoy it.
*Unveiled my online magazine for women of color writers and i must say i'm proud!! Check it out!
* and i am GONE!!!
Enjoy the weekend yall!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Introducing my new Online Magazine!!!

Introducing to the blog-world-
Sepia Magazine!- An E-zine for the verbally inclined women of color!
All of my women writers, poets, lyricists, artists of all forms, click on the link above & check it out! Please feel free to spread the word ;-)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Conversations in my head. Round 7. Conference call
Solange: Hello?
Me: Hold on Solo. Gimme 2 minutes
*Ring Ring
Cassie: Hello?
Me: Cas, stay rite here real quick. I'll be back.
*Ring Ring
Amber Rose: Ms. Rose speaking
Me: Girl hold on
2 minutes of button pressing and wire crossing later....
Me: Okay, is everyone here?! Amber, Solo, Cassie??
Solo: Um what is going on?
Me: Solo, wait your turn. I called you earlier this year, u should already know what's up. Cassie? You there hunny bunny?
Cassie: Yeah. Who is this. Hey Solange, girl!
Me: Uh uh no, there will be no fraternizing on this conference call. I brought yall here for a reason and it's not to play pretty pretty princess with each other k? Y'all have done enuf of that and that's why you're in this predicament now.
Cassie: I don't understand.
Me: Obviously. And you're the one who started this shit!
Cassie: What shit?
Me: *sighs*
Cassie: Is this about Diddy? Are you one of his hoes? Look, I told y'all to st-..
Me: Girl boo, save your self riiiiight now. I dont hardly want your saber tooth tiger over there. U got that. Don't get it twisted. I have somebody whose bottom lip doesn't spend most of its time mopping the floor, k? So stop it. This isn't about Doody. This is about your scalp.
Cassie: Huh?
Me: Your scalp bitch your scalp!! Whew, chile...i'm sorry. Just had a moment there. It's just that i'm so mad at you for setting this trend ablaze, I dont know how to control myself.
Cassie: Oh, u dont like my hair?
Me: Understatement of the entire history of the universe. I loathe your hairscalp with everything inside of me. My ancestors are turning over in their graves imagining you stepping outside the house lookin like gangrene done ate up half of your head. Cassie why? Girl you have some beyootiful hair. You hear me?! Women pay 500.00 dollars a pack for that thick silky shit! And what did u do? Shave HALF of it off. Now why would you do that? At least commit to the Montel Williams look and do the whole damn head. But noooo. Someone convinced you that only half of your scalp needed ventilation.
Cassie: I just needed a change.
Me: No. Fail. You need a change now. You didnt need a change before. Well, maybe a career change, but that's neither here nor there. Your hair was fine. If u wanted a change, you coulda threw some color in it. Cut it a little. Hell dred lock it. But what you did is unforgiveable cuz now you have other women thinkin it's the thing ta do. I'm done with you for now Cassie. You're on punishment. Amber? You there hun?
Amber: Uh huh. But I only have a few minutes cuz Kanye jus text me. He's on his way.
Me: He can wait. You aint givin up the ass anyway. At least not to him. Anyway, I have a few words for you as well.
Amber: Before you even start, I shaved my head months before anyone even knew who I was.
Me: Now see, I was actually gonna be nice to you. Yes, I know you shaved your head before you were even a glimmer of relevancy. I do believe that's why it looks halfway good on you. You rock it with originality and confidence and the look on your face says you dont really give a good fuck about all the rest of the birds who claim to shave their heads for a righteous cause. You realize it's solely because you're an attention whore and I'm thankful for your non-denial. It's a refreshing breath of fresh air.
Amber: Um, okay. Thanks...i guess.
Me: Mmm hmm. No problem. One thing though. Really Amber, it's time to ditch the college dropout and go back to your girl friend. You're too fly to be straight. K? Thanks.
Solange: Ooo is it my turn now? Goodie!
Me: Is that sarcasm I hear over there Ms. Knowles?
Solange: I AM NOT MY SISTER!!!
Me: What in the bloody hell? Is your last name not Knowles? I didn't say anything about Beyo-uhh the other one.
Solange: Oh. Yeah. Hm. Sorry about that.
Me: Whew chile you need some therapy for that. I'm concerned. Maybe I wont lay into you too hard. I just wanna ask a question. Do you not own a brush?
Solange: Of course I own a brush. Plenty of them.
Me: Has the baby hid them all from you?
Solange: Not funny.
Me: Not trying to be. But hunny that hair is not the bizness. You wanna chop it all off, fine. At least u did the whole head. But why does it have to look like that? It looks like nappy taco meat and corn nuts, Solo.
Solange: See why do we have to submit to the white man's version of beauty and silky fine hair?!
Me: Now wait a minute sista, dont go all Malcolm X on me when just last month you were the sew-in's best friend. I have nothing against natural beauty, but natural does not have to mean uncivilized. U are giving natural a horrid name with that mess on your head. Spray a little rosewater and shea butter oil on it and run a brush through it one good time. That's it. And i'll leave you alone.
Solange: I'll think about it.
Me: Dont think about it, be about it. Ok ladies. It's been fun. Cassie, u can take your ass outta time out now and head straight to the store to purchase some Rogaine and Doo Grow oil. Amber, keep doin you hun and come back to pitch for the ladies team. Solo, i'll pray for u girl. Tell Beyonce I said heyyyyyy!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My hair!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Randomness just because
My job
*sigh* actually make that a *double sigh* . In pursuit of an excellent education at Mills College, I must forego my nice & comfy paycheck that I have grown quite accustomed to over the past 3 years. I currently work 8 hrs a day, 5days a week, from 730-430. That doesnt mesh so well with the full courseload of classes that I need to take in order to graduate in 2 years. I've been doing school part time since 07 and I just cant do it anymore! I need to knock these 4 semesters out and snatch my degree and RUN. So something has to give. That something will be my: $50 monthly nailart expenditures, weekend movie runs, frequent eat-outings, random trips to ATL or anywhere else, electronic gadgets (but oh how i want an Ipod Touch), 85.00 hair appntmnts (those have been on the outs anyway), monthly hair product/makeup hauls, wkend trips in San Fran and the list goes on. Have you seen my life?? Oh yeah, i just tossed it out the window right along with my PAYCHECK! *quadruple sigh* So yeah, I gotta let it all go and cut back to working part time. Only now it looks like I wont even get part time hours with this new position i'm being offered. 12 damn hrs a week. That will cover my portion of RENT and just barely. I'm on pins & needles here, trying not to stress too much. But it's so hard. I'm just trying to keep in mind that i've been blessed with the opportunity to go to school and not pay a dime outta my own pockets, so that is keeping me uplifted. Now I just gotta scrounge the $$$ to pay a few of those little irrelevant things called B I LL S! If anyone knows of any legit work at home/online jobs that have absolutely nothing to do with filling out surveys for 2 cents, please hip me to it. Thanks.
My writing
I am a writer, if u haven't picked up on that. It's what I do in one form or another. Blogging, poetry, fiction, etc. Words and myself get along very well. But there's a problem, I have a slight tendency to start something...and it will be a really great something...and then I drop it like it's hot. (and not in a good way) I havent finished a body of work in so long it's shameful. I blame some of it on my brain being drained from all of the academic writing I have to do for school (Im an English major), the rest I blame on my sucky attention span. With the passing of my 26th bday (on July 10th),I acknowledge that I am not getting any younger. I will be 30 soon. Lawd be some good anti-aging genes & a potent memory stimulator! I need to make my published mark on the literary word before 2013. So I announce it here today at 12:12 pm, Chanel will finish a book and get it published & selling like hotcakes before I hit the big 3-0. I will do it. I need to tape up pictures of Oprah's Book Club logo, Michelle Obama and Michael Jackson as my motivations. *note to self* So y'all watch out for me okay?? And dont be afraid to ask me how the writing is coming along every now & then. I'll need the stimulant.
My website
So I purchased a web domain and a host for my site. I even started tinkering with it a bit. But then I realized that while my knowledge of html once pushed the limits of fly creativity on powderpuff userfriendly sites such as MySpace, Blackplanet and Downelink... in the real world of web designing, I SUCK ASS. smh. Blessings and bday gifts go out to webmasters who do this stuff for a living. It's beyond complicated. I'm willing and ready to admit that I need some help and quick! Before I completely hand it over to a pro (money i don't have cuz um, well u read my job situation) i'm gonna make one more stab at it after I buy a copy of Web Site Building for Super Dummies. I plan on making that purchase this Sunday. This is not a game. lol. I'd love to have my website up and running by the end of august. Keep your fingers crossed and positive vibes flowin freely cuz rite now it aint lookin so hot!!
So yeah. Got a lotta fricka frack goin on, but i'll sort it out and keep it movin cuz that's what I do!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Let me give u the rundown of what we did:
Friday- we laid around the house up under eachother for most of the day, which is always lovely. Went out to dinner at a great chinese bistro (chow mein, fried rice, orange chicken & garlic shrimp if u must kno) and then hit up some cosmic bowling until 130 in the morning. LOVED it!
After the show we went out to dinner at this little Italian restaurant. My food was okay (the bread & wine was delish but the spaghetti was ehh. Im jus use to it the way I cook it! Sue me.) but she fell in love with her dish so it was cool. I love little Italy at sunset, absolutely beautiful. San Fran is a gorgeous city all the way around tho. Jus does something to my spirits when i'm there.

Sunday- Took an impromptu drive up to Stockton cuz we were both feenin for some food from Sonic. lol. Came back home and spent some time with a friend at her family's house cuz they have HBO and we had to watch True Blood. Went home, watched The Secret Life of Bees and then crashed. I was exhausted!! It was a great weekend. Oh wait, my cake!! Omg she bought me the best cake ever. It's from Coldstone Creamery. Doesn't it look heavenly? It was. There's like a slice & a half left and im gonna tear that shit up when i get home!!;)
So yeah, i had a wonderful b-day and i'm looking forward to another year in my skin.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Guess what today is??!
26 today...old as dirt. *sigh* But my gf told me to say that i'm twenty-sexy =-) I like that. Anywho, i'll be MIA cuz she has plans for me this wkend so i'll be back Monday with all the lovely D'tails. Have a great wkend.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Michael Jackson's Memorial In pictures/video

And the moment that completely did me in was when Paris, Michael's oldest daughter, tried to speak and all she could get out was that he was the best daddy and she just wanted to say that she loved him...before dissolving into tears...omg. I was through. A mess.
This is a sad day for me and for so many others, but like I told tloml, we gotta look at MJ's life in retrospect and realize that he busted his ass to make it to the top. He IS the American Dream and yes it's very possible. His life wasn't perfect and he died way too soon, but he built a legacy through his blood, sweat and tears and whatever it is that we hope and dream for, we gotta be willing to work hard for it. Time is of the essence so we gotta make life count ASAP.
RIP Michael Joseph Jackson. The world has stopped in it's tracks for you over the past week and you deserved this kind of treatment BEFORE you were taken away....
Friday, July 3, 2009
Friday in a flash!
* Sarah Palin announced that she's stepping down from her position as
* This week doesnt even feel real to me. I kinda feel like im floating, dreaming, in some pseudo-reality. And im not drunk. lol. Its just wierd.
* Al Sharpton is a mess. Did anyone see the pics of him at the memorial held for Michael in Harlem?? Grindin up on that woman like he was in a 1930's Mississipi juke joint. Sat down somewhere Al. And eat something. You're shriveling away!
* Janet Jackson broke my heart at the BET Awards. ;-( As if it needed to be broken any further...
*Speaking of the BET awards...lmao. BET should cancel itself. Immediately. From Tiny & Toya to that other new Pay Yo Bills Off game show...just a hot ass mess.
* Oh and speaking of Tiny. Why does it look like someone injected her top lip with steroids? Only the top lip though. Its all swolt up (yes I said swolt) and sits kinda crooked on her face. Geesh. TI should win a grammy just for waking up to that face on a normal basis. Once would do it for me.
*Saw Transformers last wkend. It was excellent. Kinda lengthy, but good. Megan Fox is hot.
*Goin to see My Sister's Keeper tonite. Im prepared to cry like a punk.
*Oh did I happen to mention that i'll probably be leaving my nice lil full time w/full benefits w/ a nice paycheck job for a less than part time, less than sufficient NO benefits at all job? Hmmm. More info on that move in another post.
* I'm working on my very own website :-) More info on that soon to come also.
* I'll leave on this note. For someone who was so over-speculated, Michael Jackson was severely overlooked. The people around him saw that man being destroyed. I'll stop short from saying that he was self-destructing because he most definitely had help. As society publicly ate away at him, his family and the few people who had direct access to him never stood up for him and offered solace in the midst of what had to be the most painful turmoil to endure. Piranhas have been after Michael since he first step foot on a stage, and not only were they drawing blood, they shared his. Family. The word is only as powerful as the meaning you give it.
I always wished that some nice, old grandmother would some kinda way find Michael and convince him to let her take care of him for a few months. Feed him, soothe his soul, pray for him, listen to him, wisely advise him, let him cry his heart out. That is what he needed. If he had that, I guarantee he would be alive and well today basking in his newfound glory. But it never happened. And we have lost the greatest talent this side of heaven and possibly on the other side as well. God is enjoying him now though. Moonwalk & all. I'll find my comfort in that.
Enjoy your 4th of July weekend everyone.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday quickie
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson has passed
8:24 pm
At home. Ive been watching the news since I got off work. Im a bit of a mess. Absolutely heartbroken. I havent processed this yet and im not sure when I will. I'm a true 80's baby. I'm that privileged. I grew up on Michael's music & his videos. I was around when EVERYONE respected and adored him because he's a musical genius. I witnessed a gift from God that will never ever happen again in my lifetime. Michael Jackson's legacy.
I fully believe that our harsh, judgmental, narcissistic, nosy, prying, cut throat society killed one of the greatest entertainers ever. If only we would have LET HIM LIVE...but no. Its our human nature to build up and then destroy...
One of my favorite songs off the Bad album-Liberian Girl
LOVE this song with all of my heart- Dirty Diana
Michael & Naomi, instant hotness- In The Closet
All kinds of great footage & the best collabo ever- Scream
Introducing the Moonwalk, 1983 (my birth yr) Motown 25 Special
BEST live performance ever. So many try to duplicate= massive fail.
I could go on and on. I love you Michael. Rest In Peace, you're in the hands of someone who loves you unconditionally.
No Hair, Dont Care
Anywho, my hair is doin great these days. I've bunned it for the past 2 weeks. Tryin to keep it drenched with moisturizer/conditioner with low manipulation.
Still washing & conditioning once a week. Haven't blow dried or flat ironed in 2 weeks and my hair is in heaven rite now. It's really soft and shiny. Typically my scalp hates to have any product applied directly to it. But since i've been air drying and bunning, I've been applying ORS hair fertilizer and my doo grow thickening oil directly to my scalp nightly and i haven't had any problems with severe flakes or itching. It's a miracle i tell u. I ran out of my ORS hair fertilizer last week :( so I had to break out a sample packet of ORS Olive Oil Moisturizing lotion and i fell in love. I think i'll be buying a big size and adding it to my regimen on my up-do days only. It's very thick & creamy but sooo moisturizing, like my hair feels like butter right now. lol, wutever that feels like. I also used Cantu Shea Butter to seal the moisture in and the results are quite nice. Haven't had much shedding at all this week and that makes me happy! So yeah, I think its nice and protected enough now so I can wear it down this weekend for Pride [WOOOOO!] & all next week and have absolutely no problems with dry ends. Yay!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Beyonce Experience it seems like i'll never have...

Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday in a flash!
* Now everyone was complainin when it was overcast and a lil chilly outside, now it's hell in a handbasket out there and I have a problem with it. You know sugar and heat dont mix well.
* I had a twix yesterday and it was so damn good. Best cheap chocolate fix ever.
* I love that i've connected with all my favorite bloggers over at Twitter. Conversation is ridiculous! Yall should join in.
* I want some IHOP pancakes. Like right now.
* Lots of stupidity occurred this week. We've got to do better my people.
* Next to my IHOP pancakes I want some Taco Bell. I always want some damn TB. I swear they lace that ground beef with crack rocks.
* My mommy is comin tomorrow for a few days =-) We're suppose to be doin lunch w/my disappearing act of a brother, but i'll believe it when I see him.
*Schools over for the youngins!! Means the streets are about to become a hot bed of hormonal iniquity among other things.
* No one's in my office all day. PARTY!!! *ahem* No i'm responsible. No parties. I'm just leaving 2 hrs early ;-)
* I miss the L word. Seriously.
* Tina & Jess Get Skinny is some of the best motivation for my waist line this summer!
* Twix, Taco Bell & IHOP are not.
* I haven't had an almaretto sour in hella long. I use to drink those like water. Now i'm a thug = Southern Comfort straight up. lol.
* I need to start planning my GFDP (Grown Folks Dinner Party).
* I'm only taking one class this summer. YAYY! And it's kicking my ass. Boooooooooo.
* I miss my daddy. Gotta go see him in Vegas. Why my mom didnt bring him out with her idk.
* Twas a GOOD week!
* And it will be an even better weekend. ENJOY IT Y'ALL! Be safe =-)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Twitteretiquette - get some
- If I twit you at 9:27am my time and you dont feel the need to respond until 8:30pm my time, do not get mad if I dont know what the hell you're talking about anymore. My mind has moved on. U missed the small bit of attention I was paying you. Just let it go.
- If you twit me and I dont say shit back to u, it's for one of 2 reasons: 1, i'm not on cuz I do have other more important things to do or 2, I dont really understand wtf you are trying to say to me. If i repeatedly respond to u with nothin but ???? marks, it means u make no damn sense. Stop talking to me.
- If i'm one of 3 people you follow on Twitter, you probably require too much time from me that i'll never give you. Do not let all of your @'s have my name after it because that's a lil scary.
- If I take time out of my busy day to @ you and u never @ me back, but then one day I say sumthin hella funny and u just gotta get in on the convo...please spare yourself the humility cuz I will call u out for jumpin on bandwagons that you were NOT invited to.
- If all you do is post those irritating ass links to that ridiculous site that promises to give you 1000's of followers, delete yourself from my life today.
- If you retweet my updates and do not put my name at the end or in front of it, you're a damn plagiarizer and u have no creative thoughts and u should re-evaluate why you even have an account.
- If you ever see me having a convo with ToniInCharge, leave me alone cuz thats my gf & i'd rather talk to her :-) It rarely happens tho cuz she never updates :-(
- If I FollowFriday you, don't be an asshole your whole life. FollowFriday me back. Thanks.
- If you follow me, and I block you, it was for a good reason that I dont have to share with you but I will if you push me.
- If I follow you, its probably because 1, you follow my blogs or i follow your blogs , or 2, you have really funny/relevant/deep tweets. (RevRuns are the best!) If either of these 2 things are removed from the equation, the chances of me continuing to follow you is slim to none. Im sorry. Dont ask me why I stopped following you just know that you slipped up on something and should investigate yourself.
- If I go on twitter and see 883 updates from you in the am, and then I come back when i get off work and it's like u never left, you're addicted and u need twitterers-anonymous. You know who u are. Put yourself in isolation and come back next week.
Okay! So now that you've gained some twit-sense, go ahead and stalk me at :-)
~Back in the day when television was good~

But there wouldn't have even been A Different World had it not been for the Cosby Show. This show set the bar for every other black family show...and no other show quite reached its status. I use to swear I was a part of this family. Why does Sandra look like an 1870's school marm?

LOVE this show. Another 20sumthin singles show that made me wanna move to New York. Max was hillarious, Sinclaire was a dingbat, Regina was retarded and Khadija was sooo freakin gay. lol. I knew it before she knew it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
5 weeks post relaxer as of today
Jada Pinkett Smith is my shero

Okay so yeah, now that you've enjoyed the eye candy let me give you more reasons why i'm feelin her so much. First off she has the best hair ever. Maybe I need to go ahead and try Carol's Daughter products if they can make my hair look like that! In the latest Ebony mag she claims its all hers...*side eye* I'm gonna go ahead and believe her cuz Jada wouldn't lie to me :-) I'm jus jealous cuz its gorgeous. lol.
Today I read Jada's tips & tricks on how to keep sex alive and well in a relationship and yes Ms. Jada is a freak. Her advice is to "Be sneaky... your girlfriend's house at a party. The bathroom. A bedroom that's not yours. Think of places outside that are comfortable to have sex. Does he have access to his office? Have a fantasy date. Be his secretary! Pull over on the side of the road... Just switch it up."
Mmm hmm. Thats why Will is such a pleasant person. Jada be puttin it on him in the middle of grocery stores and shit. Im gonna have to try this...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
If Brooke Hogan were my child...

If I was her mama, this is what Brooke would be lookin like on her next album cover

I'm jus sayin
Monday, June 15, 2009
Oh i've got lots of shit to talk today

Is anyone else watching this show? I never even heard of it (i have sucky ass showtime) until my co-worker came in one day a few months ago ranting and raving about one of the episodes. I was like wtf is true blood? As soon as she told me it was a freaky vampire series on HBO my interest was most definitely peaked. I just watched the first 7 episodes over the weekend and um... Twilight it ain't. Twilight didn't deserve half of its hype in my book because any vampire movie/series that contains absolutely no blood sucks ass. But I guess i can understand why teenyboppers would love the pubescent movie. But these grown ass women runnin around in love with Edward and swooning over all things Twilight need to be punched in the left eye.
But True Blood is shaping up to be quite the entertaining series. And its for ADULTS which means there's blood and lots of sex. Started off a little slow. The first 2 eps left my gf and I like ummmm okay. But the deeper into it we're getting, the better it's becoming. I wont talk too much about it here cuz I dnt wanna spoil it for anyone. I just wanna know if any of you guys are watching it??
Wut else is on my mind? Oh yeah. These fools rite here.
Who didn't see this divorce coming? I coulda told him this was gonna be a hot ass mess the night of his honeymoon. I'll never understand why anyone would choose to participate in career suicide for the dumbest of reasons. Now dont get me wrong. Love is never the wrong reason for a life change. But obviously this wasn't true love. This was ooops i done went and knocked this bitch up and her family is from east oakland and i'm not about to come up missing so I guess i'll make an honest women outta her. Pffft. See how far that got him? Such a retard. And then he had the nerve to bash his fans for tryin to tell him the damn truth!? Whatever Ush. Hopefully your next album wont be good for only resting my liquor glasses on. Oh wait. I didn't buy it. Guess it's not even good enough for that....
And last but not least
I caught a serious attitude when this chick came out a yr or so ago and all I heard were Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie comparisons. I was like hell to the no. Dark hair, light eyes and semi-big lips does not automatically put you on Ms. Jolie's level. Sorry. So I immediately blocked that nonsense out of my peripheral. But after seeing some of the latest pictures of Megan, imma have to go ahead and re-evaluate her case. Now I still dont think she tops Angie. Hell Angie isn't even toppin herself these days. But um, Megan is steppin up her sexy. Give her a few more yrs and some acting classes and i mite have to throw her on my wcwcgi list. [white chicks who can get it]